Areas of Expertise
1. Management of critically ill patients in ICU
2. Anaesthesia for all kind of surgeries
Awards & Publications
1. Haemodynamic Effects of Vecuronium Bromide with anticholinergics premedicants.- I JA (1997)
2. Clonidine versus Butarophenol as adjuvant to 0.5 % Bupivacaine to enhance onset and duration of subarachnoid blockade with postoperative analgesia during orthopedic surgeries- a comparative evaluation.
3. Global Anaesth Periop Med 2015 : 1(2) ;51-54.
4. Efficacy of dexmedotidine as anaesthetic adjuvant for functional endoscopic sinus surgeries (FESS) under General anaesthesia.in Shams Journal of anesthesiology 2016;9;207-11
5. Evaluation of Effect of Timing of Neostigmine and Atropine in Reversal of Neuromuscular Blockade :National Journal of Medical and Denta Research, vol.4,issue 3April-June 2016,159-60.
6. Comparison of Haemodynamic effects Atropine and Glycopyyrolate: International Journal of Orthopedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences 2016,Volume2,Issue I, 1-2.
7. Comparison between Duloxetine and gabapentin for postoperative pain relief.
8. Global Journal for research analysis Vol.8.issue 2 .Feb.2019.1-3.
9. Anesthetic management of cleft lip and palate surgery in children-A Prospective Study National Journal of Medical and Dental Research, January-March 2019: Volume-7,Issue-2,Page 562-565
Cases Managed
"1. Central Line insertion
2. Dialysis line & Dialysis of CKD Patients
3. Acid Base Management in ICU
4. ACLS Management
5. High Risk Anaesthesia Cases"