Dedicated to Heal

to Heal


Dr. Pragya Richa

MBBS, MS (OBG), FMAS, Diploma in ART & Reproductive Medicine, Diploma in Uro - (Gynaecology)


Obstetrics & Gynaecology



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MBBS, MS (OBG), FMAS, Diploma in ART & Reproductive Medicine, Diploma in Uro - (Gynaecology)

Past Experience

    1. Resident at Kasturba Hospital, Delhi
    2. Resident at ESI hospital, Okhla, Delhi

Areas of Expertise

1. Confident with Labour Ward Management
2. Performs Instrumental Delivery by Forceps or Vacuum
3. Twins delivery
4. Assisted Breech delivery
5. Encourage vaginal delivery
6. VBAC Trial
7. Caesarean Sections
8. Management of High risk Pregnancies as APH, PPH, preterm labour, Shoulder Dystocia, Cord prolapse, gestational diabetes, hypertension in pregnancy
9. Antenatal and post-natal education, breast feeding counselling
10. Premarital Counseling, Prenatal Checkup, Female sexual problems
11. Good Experience in Family planning Clinics, Patient counseling, Provides basket of Contraceptives methods
12. IUCD insertion & bilateral tubal ligation both laparoscopically and Mini Laparotomy
13. Performs Colposcopy, Screening of Genital cancer, Pap smear, LBC, Counselling regarding HPV Prevention and Vaccination, cryocauterization
14. Laparotomy – TAH, myomectomy, Ovarian cystectomy, Oophorectomy, Ectopic Pregnancy Vaginal hysterectomy, Vaginoplasty, Pelvic floor repair, Manchester's operation
15. Diagnostic laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy
16. Operative Laparoscopy – Tubal Ligation, Ovarian cysts, Ovarian drilling, TLH
17. Excellent Patient and Family communicator
18. Caring and Empathetic

Awards & Publications

1. FOGSI, GOGS, IAGE (Life membership)
2. Winner in Quiz competition in YUVA FOGSI East Zone 2014

Cases Managed

1. Vaginal delivery, C-section, Vaginal birth after C-section, Breech delivery, Vacuum/Forcep assisted delivery, Pre term deliveries, Preterm lscs, High risk pregnancies
2. Cervical circlage, Cervical stitch removal
3. Hysterectomy, Vaginal Hysterectomy
4. Ovarian cyst removal
5. Oopherectomy
6. Drainage of vulval hematoma
7. Hysteroscopy, Hysterotomy, Hysteroscopic copper T removal, Hysteroscopic polypectomy, Hysteroscopic myomectomy
9. Manchester operation
10. Perineoplasty, Vaginoplasty
11. Hymenoplasty, Hymenectomy
12. Myomectomy/fibroid removal surgery
13. Tubotubal anastomosis
14. Salpingostomy
15. Diagnostic Laproscopy
16. Laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy , Laproscopic ovarian cyst removal, Laproscopic tubectomy, Laproscopic removal of lost IUCD, Lap Hysterectomy
17. Drainage of pelvic abscess, Drainage of vulval hematoma
18. Cryocautery of cervix
19. Bartholin cyst removal
20. Marsupalization of bartholin cyst
21. Cauterization of cervix
22. Colpoperineorraphy
23. Perineal tear repair, Pelvic floor repair
24. Colposcopy
25. Dilatation and curettage
26. Removal of impacted vaginal foreign body
27. Open Burch colposuspension


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